I letos se v Sofii, Bulharsku koná letní škola kognitivních věd na New Bulgarian University.
Tři týdny trvající akce je poměrně nákladná, ale dle mé zkušenosti je možné získat alespoň nějaký příspěvek od CEEPUS a dříve existovala možnost získat stipendium i přímo od NBU.

Web: http://www.nbu.bg/cogs/events/ss2013.html


Week 1: July 8-14

Daniel Schacter (Harvard University, USA) – The Seven Sins of Memory

Barbara Tversky (Stanford University, USA) – Spatial Thinking: From Concrete to Abstract

Rolf Zwaan (Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands) – Language Comprehension: From Textbase to Mental Simulation

Week 2: July 15-21

Zachary Estes(Bocconi University, Italy) – Words: How we understand them, and what they’re good for?

Luiz Pessoa(University of Maryland, USA) – Brain Mechanisms of Emotion-Cognition Interaction.

Simon Thorpe(Universitй Toulouse 3, CNRS, France) – Spiking Neurons and Cognition.

Week 3: July 22-27

Douglas Medin(Northwestern University, USA) – Culture and Thought, Including the Thoughts of Scientists.

Nora Newcombe(Temple University, USA) – Spatial Development.

Jeffrey Bowers(University of Bristol, UK) – How is knowledge learned, coded, and used for the sake of perception and memory?

Plenary Talk

Jeffrey Elman(University of California at San Diego, USA) – Event knowledge and language understanding.