Příští diskusní setkání proběhne opět v SB212, tentokrát pod taktovkou Pavla Jandy, který nás seznámí s experimentální matematikou:

„The debate about experimental mathematics started in 1976 when the four color theorem was proven with the help of a computer. Since then computers and computer-assisted “proof” (CAP) have played an important role in a mathematical research e.g. normality of π, Robbins conjecture, Kepler conjecture etc. However, whether we can really talk about experiments in mathematics and what is their nature is not yet settled. On the one side there is a view that experiments in mathematics are of exploratory nature similar to those conducted in natural sciences. On the other side some authors argue that CAPs do not introduce experiments comparable to those conducted in natural sciences or that exploratory experiment in mathematics are in fact no experiments at all.

Firstly, I will argue that there are two kinds of experiments in mathematics: exploratory and theory-driven. Yet, it is unsatisfactory to state that experiments in mathematics are exploratory or theory-driven. It has to be explained how general features of exploratory and theory-driven experiments in natural sciences suit mathematics. I will show that although not all general features are applicable to experiments in mathematics (certain adjustments have to be made), it is still possible to classify these experiments as exploratory or theory-driven.“

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